Аэропорты мира по коду ICAO

русскоязычная база данных гражданских аэропортов

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Список аэропортов по коду ICAO. Все гражданские аэропорты мира по коду ICAO, включая внутренние и международные.
ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization) - Международная организация гражданской авиации.

90AR Reedville Airport
90CA Fowler's Airport
90CL Diamond M Ranch Airport
90FD Blue Head Ranch Airport
90FL Paxton Airport
90IA Missouri Valley Airport
90IL Johnson Airport
90IN Mc Daniel's Field
90KS Sunset Strip Airpark
90KY Williams Airport
90LA Sharp Field
90ME Zinck Airport
90MN Schmidt Private Airport
90NY Hopewell Airpark
90OI Joe Cimprich Airport
90OK Stewart Farms Airport
90PA Adams Airport
90PN Baney's Airport
90TE The Homestead Airport
90TS Jordan Ranch Airport
90TX Callaghan Ranch Airport
90VA Hen & Bacon Airport
90WA Waldronaire Airport
90WI Heritage Acres Airport
91CL Sacatar Meadows Airport
91GA Dbaks Airport
91IN Strietelmeier Flying Field
91IS Stanton Airport
91KS St. Joseph'S Landing
91LA Koch Airport
91LS Duclos RLA Restricted Landing Area
91NY Manitou Field
91OH Stine Field
91OI Cross Airport
91OK Stewart Airport
91OR Abba's Airport
91TA Rhines Roost Airport
91TE Britts Crosswind Airport
91TS Songbird Ranch Airport
91TX Paisano Ranch Airport
91VA Miller Airport
91WA Christensen Bros Wahluke Strip
91WI Gottschalk Field
92CA Westlake Farms Airport
92CL Moronis Airport
92CO Lake Creek Ranch Airport
92FL Carlstrom Field
92GE Midville International Airport
92IL Hunter Raffety Elevators Inc Airport
92IN H R Weisser Airport
92IS Taft Airport
92KY Timmons Field
92MI Zischke Airport
92MN Brutlag Farms Airport
92NJ Fly-N-D Landing Strip
92NY Bloecher Farm Airport
92OK Flying W Ranch Airport
92PA Hawkins Field
92TA Drennan Farm Airport
92TE Chaney San Francisco Ranch Airport
92VA New Quarter Farm Airport
92WI Knight Aire Airport
92XS T.R. Funk Inc Airport
93AK The Queens Airport
93AR Ohlendorf Airport
93CO Antelope Airpark
93FD Chumuckla 20-20 Airport
93FL Pine Lakes Farm Airport
93IA Lund Airport
93IL Bauer Airport
93IN Foltz Farm Airport
93KY Baggett Farms Airport
93LL Hemmingsen Airport
93MD Knollwood Farm Airport
93MN Hoppe Sky Ranch Airport
93MO Kathy's Patch Airport
93MS Shelby Air Service Airport
93MT Masonry Field
93OH Gay Airport
93OK Jantzen Airport
93PA Maple Cave Park Airport
93TE Mayhew Ranch Nr 1 Airport
93TS Longbird Airport
93TX Putz Aero Inc Airport
93VA Timberdoodle Airport
93WA Harris Airport
93WI Arrowhead Springs Airport
93XS Joseph Ross Scherdin Airport
94FL Pine Shadows Airpark
94GA Snow Hill Airstrip
94IL Lutz Airport
94IS Adams Private Airport
94KS Smith Field
94KY Woosley Airport
94MN Ag Spray Inc Airport
94MO Ray's Roost Airport
94NC Viking Airport
94ND Michael Zurcher Farm Strip
94NY St Bernard Field
94OR Farm Yard Field
94TA Reece Field
94TX River Bend Ranch Airport
94VA Highview Farms Airport
94WA Wishkah River Ranch Airport
94XS Heritage Ranch Airport
95CA Bonel Airport
95CO Mann Ranch Airport
95FD South Point Airport
95GA Mcintosh Field
95IL Henderson Airport
95IN Stewart Field
95IS Jan Knipe Airport
95KY Crawford Ultralightport
95LL Warren Airport
95MI Guy Vander Jagt Airfield
95MO Schlemmer Airport
95NE W Meeks Ranch Airport
95NY Fisher Airport
95OH Tong Farm Airport
95OK Barcus Field
95OR Flournoy Valley Airport
95TA Thunder Creek Airport
95TS Rob Airport
95TX Chupadera Ranch Airport
95VA Buck Hollar Airport
95WA Black Diamond Airport
95WI Wisersky Airport
96CO Logan Airport
96FD Citrus Hedging Ranch Airport
96FL Wings Field
96GA 3-M's Airport
96ID Flying H Ranch Airport
96IL Kramer Airport
96IS Hildreth Air Park
96KY A & L Airport
96LL Wichman Airport
96MN Air-Ag Airport
96MU Green Airfield
96OK Mike's Place Airport
96OR Cable Creek Ranch Airport
96PA Franklin Center Airport
96TE Yorktown Airport
96TS Nuttall Airport
96TX Brown Field
96VE Beiter Airport
96WA Jim & Julie's Airport
96WY Cedar Creek Ranch Airport
97AK High Ridge Association Airport
97CA Tejon Agricultural Airport
97CL Siller Bros Inc Airport
97CO Peakview Airport
97FL Love Field
97GA B Tree Farms Airport
97IA Volkens Field
97KS Clear View Farm Airport
97LA Greene Air Park
97MO Gary's Airport
97MT Cabin Creek Landing Airport
97ND Walser Strip
97NY Hunter Mountain Airport
97OG Bybee Field
97OR Hi Country No 2 Airport
97PA Willows Airport
97PN Gold Mine Field
97TN Kite Field
97TS Gdap Air Ranch Airport
97TX San Pedro Ranch Airport
97VA Singleton Airport
97WA Basin City Airfield
97WI North Fork Airport
97XS Tilghman Airport
98AK Eastland Airport
98CL Noltas Airport
98GA Circle T Airport
98IN B & V Flying Ranch Airport
98KS Rexford Airport
98LL Braden Farms Airport
98ME Greaton Airfield
98MN Up Yonder Airport
98MO Woodliff Airpark
98MT Rosemont Airport
98ND Sobolik Airport
98NE Munsterman Airport
98NM S & S Ranch Airport
98NY Krenzers Airport
98OH Paine's Airport
98OK Candy Lake Estate Airport
98OL Copland Airport
98OR Mach-O Acres Airport
98PA Pleasant Hill Airport
98TE Hilltop Airport
98TN Landing At River'S Edge
98TS Trap Travelstead Field
98VA Glascock Airport
99AK Moore Creek Airport
99AZ Eagletail Ranch Airport
99CL El Mirage Field Adelanto Airport
99CO Rock Creek Airport
99FL Madison County Airport
99IA Courtney's Landing Airport
99II Cooper Field
99IL Providence Place Field
99IN Bee-Acre Farm Strip
99KS Elm Creek Farms Airport
99KY Gravity Zero Airport
99LA Lawson Field
99MT Fox Field
99NY Hibbard's Airport
99OR Lazy F Ranch Airport
99PA Nielsen Airport
99SC St. Mathews Airport
99TE Pritchard Airport
99TX Briggs Ranch Airport
99UT Sundog Airport
99VA Anderson Airport
99WI Foscoro Airport
99WY Xingu Airstrip
99XA Briggs / Skotz Airfield
99XS Sam Little International Airport
9AK0 Sports Mans Paradise Airport
9AK2 Kako Airport
9AK3 Nikolai Creek Airport
9AK4 Arctic Angel Airport
9AK5 Sky Harbor Airport
9AK6 Leisurewood Airstrip Owners Assoc Airport
9AK7 Cubdivision Airport
9AK8 Wolf Track Airport
9AR0 Robertson Airport
9AR9 Henry Field
9CA0 Psk Ranch Airport
9CA6 North Valley Airport
9CA7 Harris River Ranch Airport
9CL0 Turlock Airpark
9CL1 Johnson Ranch Airport
9CL2 Christensen Ranch Airport
9CL3 Likely Airport
9CL4 Hart Mine Airport
9CL5 Blair Strip
9CL7 Old Aerodrome
9CL9 Spezia Airport
9CO2 Van Slyke Field
9CO3 Hubbard Airport
9CO5 Scherler Private Airstrip
9CO6 D Bar D Airport
9CO7 Beaugh Airport
9CO8 Herrick Airport
9CO9 Phylcon Ranch Airport
9FD2 Blackwater Creek Ultralightport
9FD5 Thompson's Goinbroke Aero Ranch Airport
9FD7 Fort Atkinson Plantation Airpark
9FD9 Buddys Ag Service Airport
9FL0 Suwannee Belle Airport
9FL1 Flying W Airranch Airport
9FL2 Saranac Farm Airport
9FL5 Shady Bend Airport
9FL7 Oasis Ranger Station-U.S. Government Airport
9FL8 Finlayson Farm Airport
9GA0 Brown Field
9GA1 Briar Patch Airport
9GA2 Berg Park Aerodrome
9GA3 Young Airport
9GA5 Lowell Field
9GA6 Brookline - Meadowmere Airport
9GA8 Chinaberry Ranch Airport
9GA9 Deerfield Landing Airport
9GE7 Neely Farms Airport
9II0 Shaffer Airport
9II1 Short Stop Airport
9II2 Nelund Field
9II3 Dillon Airport
9II4 Cruzan Field
9II8 Francis Airport
9IL0 Villiger Restricted Landing Area
9IL2 Routh Airport
9IL3 Wm Quinton Restricted Landing Area
9IL4 Thompson Airport
9IL6 Weishaupt Airport
9IL7 Black Airport
9IN2 New Liberty Field
9IN3 Johnsons Strawberry Farm Airport
9IN4 Bandmill Field
9IN6 Garrard Airport
9IN7 Zupancic Field
9IN8 Green Field
9IN9 Gessie Airport
9IS0 Cedar Ridge Airport
9IS2 Schertz Field
9IS5 J & Y Ultralightport
9IS9 Lytleville Orchard Airport
9KS1 Hartland Airport
9KS4 Rose Port Airport
9KS5 Rush Field
9KS6 Lundgren Hereford Ranch Airport
9KS7 Miller Airport
9KS9 Dmh Airport
9KY9 Paintsville-Prestonsburg-Combs Field
9LA1 Turkey Creek Lake Airport
9LA2 Norris Airstrip
9LA6 Chandler Airport
9LA9 Skyline Airpark
9LL0 Krutmeier Airport
9LL2 Hepp Airport
9LL3 John R Reed Airport
9LL5 Tommy's Airpark
9LL9 Townley Farms Airport
9LS1 Bayou Meadows Airport
9LS5 Red Beard Dusting Service Airport
9LS9 4B Ranch Airport
9MD9 G W Farm Airport
9MI2 Newport Woods Airport
9MI5 Grass Roots STOLport
9MI6 Trollman's Field
9MN1 Troll Farm Airport
9MN3 Barnesville Municipal Airport
9MN5 Janssen Airport
9MN6 Merill L Harris Field
9MN9 Tofte Airport
9MO3 Lawlor-Justus Airport
9MO4 Worth Airport
9MO5 Hindman Airport
9MO6 Ivy Bend Airport
9MO9 Eagle Lodge Airport
9MT8 Monger Airport
9MT9 Mc Kenna Airport
9NA4 Bodmer Airport
9NC0 Raleigh East Airport
9NC2 Flyers Airpark
9NC3 Edwards Airport
9NC4 Jiles Field
9NC6 Sandy Run Acres Airport
9NC7 Willow Creek Airport
9NC8 Eagles Landing Airport
9NC9 Meylor Field
9ND1 Elliott Farms Airport
9ND8 Hinkle Airport
9NE1 El-Co Airport
9NE2 Folkerts Airport
9NE3 Davis Ranch Airport
9NE4 Johnston Field
9NE6 Bates Airpark
9NE7 Bay Field
9NE8 Brosius Field
9NE9 Dog Leg Airport
9NJ5 Stallone Airport
9NJ6 Halka Nurseries Airport
9NJ8 High Meadow Farms Airport
9NR7 Triple F Airpark
9NR8 Buie Field
9NY4 Kennedy Airfield
9NY6 Mason Airway Airport
9NY7 Hart Airport
9OA3 Bellville Dam Landing Strip
9OA4 Gilmer Airport
9OA5 Buckeye Executive Airport
9OA7 Jenkins Airport
9OA8 Crocker Airport
9OA9 Bender Airport
9OH1 Haar Airport
9OH2 Toussaint Airpark
9OH4 Richards Airport
9OH6 Weaver Airport
9OH7 Lutz Airport
9OH8 Ferrell Airport
9OH9 Forest Field
9OI3 Johns Landing Airport
9OI5 Transportation Research Center of Ohio Airport
9OI6 Nesta Airport
9OI7 Bayes Airport
9OI8 Brothers Aviation Airport
9OK3 Flying Eagle Estates Airport
9OK5 Diamond C Ranch Airport
9OK7 Cimarron Strip
9OK9 Strang Airpark
9OR0 Lafferty Field
9OR1 Shaniko Ranch Airport
9OR4 King's Airport
9OR8 Wooldridge Agstrip Airport
9PA0 Lance Airport
9PA1 Carbondale-Clifford Airport
9PA2 Old Plains Airport
9PA3 Meadow Strip Ultralightport
9PA5 Solt Field
9PA7 Keystone Airport
9PN1 Seitz Field
9PN7 Veit Airport
9PN8 Malinchak Private Airport
9PS2 J T Willie Airport
9PS8 Manor Landing Airport
9SD7 Beaman Airport
9SD8 Oakleaf Airport
9SD9 Weelborg Airport
9TA1 Hilltop Ranch Airport
9TA2 Urschel Ranch Airport
9TA3 Rogers Airport
9TA8 Taylor Ranch Airport
9TE0 Twin Acres Airport
9TE2 Wallace Ranch Airport
9TE3 Thorp Airport
9TE4 Tanner's Airport
9TE5 Kalt Ranch Airport
9TE6 Rocky Creek Ranch Airport
9TE7 Flying G H Ranch Airport
9TN1 Versailles Aerodrome
9TN2 Meadowlark Airport
9TN3 Mehrhoff Field
9TN4 Foreman Field
9TN5 Askey Field
9TN7 Baskin Airport
9TN9 Toy Box Airport
9TS3 Simaron Ranch Airport
9TS6 Goodlett Field
9TX1 Bar S Ranch Airport
9TX2 Bennetts Airport
9TX3 Horan Airport
9TX4 Flying H Ranch Airport
9TX5 Camp Bullis Als (Cals) Airport
9TX6 Beggs Ranch Airport
9TX7 Hitex Private Airport
9TX9 Canon Ranch Airport
9VA0 Bath Alum Airport
9VA1 Holly Point Airport
9VA3 Crippen Creek Farm Airport
9VA4 Franwood Farms Inc. Airport
9VG9 Jucapa Farms Airport
9WA3 River Bend Airport
9WA4 Piper Canyon Airport
9WA7 Albritton Airport
9WI1 Black Otter Airport
9WI2 Flying Dollar Ranch Airport
9WI3 Buchholz Farm Airport
9WI4 Faken Airport
9WI5 Tamarack Airport
9WI6 Kitty Hawk Estates Airport
9WI8 Fletcher Airport
9WI9 Carlson Airport
9WN1 Courtney Plummer Airport
9WN2 Voyager Village Airstrip
9WN3 Ozaukee Airport
9WN4 Rag Wing Airport
9WN5 Lodi Lakeland Airport
9WN9 Coloma Municipal Airport
9WS2 Antique Aerodrome
9XS0 Dobbs Ranch Airport
9XS1 The Landing Airport
9XS2 Beaver Creek Airport
9XS3 Macy Ranch Airport
9XS4 Mc Keon Aviation Airport
9XS5 Kitten Farm Private Airport
9XS6 Sudan Airport
9XS7 Reeder Airport
9XS9 Rancho Verde Airport
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