Аэропорты мира по коду ICAO

русскоязычная база данных гражданских аэропортов

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W X Y Z

Список аэропортов по коду ICAO. Все гражданские аэропорты мира по коду ICAO, включая внутренние и международные.
ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization) - Международная организация гражданской авиации.

NA01 Jenson Airport
NA02 Saure Airport
NA03 Boll Brothers Airstrip
NA05 Kraig Farms Airport
NA06 Bouret Ranch Airport
NA07 Kornkven Airstrip
NA10 Anderson Private Airport
NA12 Johnson Private Airport
NA13 Linrud Airstrip
NA17 Jacob Gust Airport
NA18 Hought Airstrip
NA20 Hudson's Strip
NA21 Thompson Private Airport
NA22 Vernon Miller Private Airport
NA25 Holen Aerial Spray Airstrip
NA30 Behrens Airstrip
NA32 Johnson Airstrip
NA33 Ripplinger Strip
NA38 Sabbe Brothers Landing Strip
NA39 Dorbrinski Airport
NA44 Georgeson Farm Strip
NA49 Paul Airstrip
NA54 Moser Airstrip
NA55 Hager Strip
NA56 Moffet Airstrip
NA60 Dakota Airport
NA61 Tachenko Strip
NA63 Storseth Airstrip
NA65 Anderson Strip
NA67 Horsley Airstrip
NA70 Smith Airstrip
NA71 M. Bodvig Airstrip
NA73 Welstad Farms Airstrip
NA75 Lill Strip
NA77 Mc Gee Strip
NA79 Philbrick Private Airstrip
NA81 Central Valley Aviation Airport
NA84 L. Seckerson Airstrip
NA86 Johnson Private Airstrip
NA88 Regan Airstrip
NA89 Holzman Airstrip
NA90 Circle Z Landing Strip
NA92 Roy Lohse Airport
NA98 Dilse Private Airstrip
NA99 Bakko Airstrip
NC00 Moretz Riverside Landing Airport
NC01 Harvey Point Defense Testing Activity Airport
NC02 Boomerang Airport
NC03 Darr Field
NC05 Bradford Field Airport
NC06 Elk River Airport
NC08 Tusquittee Landing Airport
NC09 Stoneriver Airport
NC10 Nocarva Airport
NC11 Deck Airpark
NC12 Lee Creek Airport
NC13 Yorks Field
NC14 Boone Inc Airport
NC15 Raeford Rhyne Airpark
NC16 Brevard Airport
NC17 Wolf's Den Airport
NC18 Brickhouse Field
NC19 Propst Airport
NC20 Canaan Air Base
NC21 Aero Plantation Airport
NC22 Charles Field
NC25 Gold Hill Airport
NC26 Long Island Airport
NC27 Lower Creek Airport
NC28 Meadstown Airstrip
NC29 Bradley Field
NC30 Miller Air Park
NC31 Quiet Acres Airport
NC32 Berts Airport
NC34 Miles Airport
NC35 Spencer Airport
NC36 Benton's Airfield
NC37 Mountain View Aerodrome
NC39 Enochville Airport
NC40 Holeman Field
NC42 Piney Ridge Airport
NC43 Bear Pen Airport
NC44 Barclaysville Field
NC45 Enfield-Shearin Airport
NC47 South Oak Aerodrome
NC48 Safe Field
NC49 Boyd Field
NC50 Skyland Airport
NC52 Silver Creek Airport
NC54 Jackson Private Airport
NC56 Deer Run Airport
NC58 Gryder-Teague Airport
NC59 Alexander County Airport
NC61 Blackwater Airstrip
NC63 Robertson Field
NC64 Barringer Field
NC65 Yonder Airport
NC66 Ventosa Plantation Airport
NC67 Six Oaks Airport
NC69 Twin Oak Airport
NC70 Mckee Airport
NC71 E T Field
NC72 Hinton Field
NC73 Hodges Farm Airport
NC75 Schneider Haven Airstrip
NC76 Massengill Airport
NC77 Chalfant Airport
NC78 Turbeville Airport
NC79 Bear Creek Airport
NC81 Cox Airport
NC82 Dublin Field
NC86 Rocking A Farm Airport
NC87 Dogwood Farm Airport
NC93 South River Airport
NC97 Dirt Dobber's Grass Strip
NC99 Bagwell Airport
NCAI Аитутаки (Aitutaki Airport)
NCAT Enua Airport
NCMG Mangaia Island Airport
NCMH Manihiki Island Airport
NCMK Mauke Airport
NCMN Manuae Airport
NCMR Mitiaro Island Airport
NCPY Tongareva Airport
NCRG Раротонга (Rarotonga Airport)
ND01 Nelson Airport
ND02 Ricketyback Field
ND07 Punton Private Airport
ND09 Bryn Airport
ND10 Flying-N-Ranch Airport
ND14 Fordville Airport
ND16 Frei Private Airport
ND18 Judy Strip
ND20 Gensrich Airport
ND22 Fischer Private Airport
ND23 Wright Field
ND24 Inkster Airport
ND26 Gajewski Field
ND29 Swenson Airport
ND32 Kalainov Private Airport
ND34 Moen Airport
ND35 Lindemann Airport
ND36 Don's Airport
ND38 Rices Airpark
ND40 Rau Field
ND41 Voller Airport
ND42 Warren Pietsch Airport
ND43 Flying S Ranch Airport
ND44 Underwood Airport
ND47 Geske Airfield
ND49 Krause Private Airport
ND52 True North Airpark
ND54 Whitman Field
ND59 Grieve Airport
ND60 Frokjer Airport
ND62 Brands Airport
ND65 Letzring Airport
ND68 Vining Airport
ND72 Lonetree Airstrip
ND73 Peterson Airport
ND74 Smith Private Airport
ND75 Pete's Tractor Salvage Airport
ND76 Turner Field
ND78 Wilcox Farm Airport
ND80 Spitzer Airport
ND85 Humann Private Airstrip
ND86 Peterson Airport
ND87 Indian Hill Resort Airport
ND89 Mutschler Field
ND90 Dahl Private Airport
ND92 Schroeder Airport
ND96 Sauter Airport
ND98 Cloud Nine Airport
ND99 Ellig Field
NE01 Schutte Airport
NE04 Ely Airport
NE06 Woolf Brothers Airport
NE08 Larrabee Airport
NE09 Simpson Airport
NE11 Durands Sky Ranch Airport
NE12 Sullivan Airstrip
NE15 Starns Auxiliary Airport
NE17 Walts Aerial Service Airport
NE18 Krutz Airport
NE19 Ag Air Airport
NE20 Bernadt Airport
NE24 Polaks Sky Ranch Airport
NE25 Orr Field
NE27 Abie Sky Ranch Airport
NE29 Cavanaugh Airport
NE30 Olson Field
NE31 B.C. Air Airport
NE33 Clearidge Airport
NE34 Fehringer Aerodrome
NE35 Sutton Airport
NE37 Loseke Airstrip
NE38 Aknux Airport
NE39 Warbonnet Ag Strip
NE40 Denton Airfield
NE42 Dream Field
NE43 Musiel Airport
NE44 Koinzan Airport
NE45 Stewart Field
NE49 Koke Airport
NE50 Sudbeck Field
NE51 Kohles Airport
NE52 Easton Field
NE53 Liesveld Airport
NE54 Dostal-Bradley Airport
NE56 Werner Airport
NE57 Thomas Airport
NE59 Pester Airport
NE64 Luetkenhaus Airport
NE65 Roth Airport
NE69 Browns Airport
NE73 Stinking Water Creek Airport
NE79 Mueller Field
NE80 Weaver Airport
NE82 Nolte Farms Airport
NE85 Glaser Airport
NE86 Traudt Airport
NE87 Rempe Private Airport
NE88 Novotny/Tonar Farms Airport
NE89 Herberts Farm Airport
NE92 Thomsen Airport
NE99 Hawkins Ranch Airport
NFCI Кикия (Cicia)
NFFA Фэйсюн (Bijie Airport)
NFFN Нанди (Nadi International Airport)
NFFO Malolo Lailai Island Airport
NFKB Kaibu Island Airport
NFKD Кандаву (Kandavu Airport)
NFMA Mana Island Airport
NFMO Moala Airport
NFNA Нозори (Nausori Airport)
NFNB Levuka Airfield
NFNG Ngau Airport
NFNH Laucala Island Airport
NFNK Лакемба (Lakeba Airport)
NFNL Лабаза (Labasa Airport)
NFNM Матеи (Matei Airport)
NFNO Koro Island Airport
NFNR Rotuma Airport
NFNS Савусаву (Savusavu Airport)
NFNV Vatukoula Airport
NFNW Wakaya Island Airport
NFOL Ono-I-Lau Airport
NFSW Yasawa Island Airport
NFTE Kaufana Airport
NFTF Тонгатапу (Fua'amotu International Airport)
NFTL Salote Pilolevu
NFTO Mata'aho Airport
NFTP Kuini Lavenia Airport
NFTV Вавау (Lupepau'u Airport)
NFVB Vanua Balavu Airport
NFVL Vatulele Airport
NGAB Abaiang Airport
NGBR Beru Airport
NGFU Фунафути (Funafuti Atol International Airport)
NGKT Kuria Airport
NGMA Maiana Airport
NGMK Marakei Airport
NGMN Makin Island Airport
NGNU Nikunau Airport
NGON Onotoa Airport
NGTA Баирики (Bonriki Airport)
NGTB Abemama Atoll Airport
NGTE Tabiteuea North Airport
NGTM Tamana Island Airport
NGTO Nonouti Airport
NGTR Arorae Island Airport
NGTS Tabiteuea South Airport
NGTU Butaritari Atoll Airport
NGUK Buariki Airport
NH07 Cooper Farm Airport
NH15 Locke Lake Airport
NH16 Brookline Airport
NH17 Zim Airport
NH18 Chickville Airport
NH20 Ward Field
NH25 Flying H Skyport Airport
NH31 Mountain View Field
NH38 Leavitt Airport
NH39 Frank D. Comerford Airport
NH40 Eagles Nest Airport
NH43 Murphy-Sherwood Park Airport
NH49 Bradley Field
NH60 Huff Memorial Airport
NH61 Heaton Airport
NH67 Winterwood Airport
NH69 Windsock Village Airport
NH76 Mason Airfield
NH78 Steck Farm Airport
NH84 Northwood Airport
NH86 Intervale Airport
NH88 Country Club Air Park
NH96 Wentworth Aerodrome Airport
NIUE Ниуэ (Hanan Airport)
NJ02 Alloway Airfield
NJ06 B J Farms Airport
NJ09 Matthews Airport
NJ16 Sliker Strip
NJ20 Coyle Field
NJ24 Warren Grove Range Airport
NJ25 Peaslees Airstrip
NJ30 Paruszewski Farm Strip
NJ46 Mar Bar L Farms Airport
NJ47 Teeny Weeny Acres Airport
NJ49 Bradford Field
NJ50 The Landing Airport
NJ52 Folsom Airport
NJ58 Nordheim Flying K Airpark
NJ59 Ekdahl Airport
NJ60 Cuddihy Landing Strip
NJ61 Malone Airport
NJ63 Eagles Lair Airport
NJ64 Reeder Airport
NJ65 John E. Rogers Airport
NJ69 Ideal Mfg Corp Airport
NJ72 Hop Brook Farm Airport
NJ74 Salem Airfield
NJ75 Werner Private Airport
NJ79 Goat Hill Airport
NJ81 Free Spirit Airport
NJ84 Hidden Acres Farm Airport
NJ95 Herr Brothers Airport
NJ96 Als Landing Strip
NJ98 Zitone Airport
NK01 Countryman's Landing Strip
NK04 Shepard Airport
NK05 Tom N' Jerry Airport
NK06 S.O.P. Airport
NK07 Big Island Airport
NK08 Sheeley's Farm Airport
NK09 Eagle Ridge Airport
NK12 Donnelly's Airport
NK16 Hendricks Field
NK17 August Field
NK19 Potoczak Airport
NK24 Tilden Airport
NK25 Cambria Airport
NK26 Old Forge Airport
NK27 Hedge Hop Field
NK31 Dawn Patrol Aviation Airport
NK43 Jerry Phibbs Airport
NK47 Dalrymples Airport
NK52 Connelly Field
NK53 Dodge/Coppola/Wheeler Airport
NK54 Matejka Field
NK68 White Birch Field
NK71 Marcellus Airport
NK72 James Henion Private Field
NK74 Match Mate Airport
NK76 Grammar Airport
NK79 Lewis Landing Airport
NK81 Roberts Roost Airport
NK82 Engineers Airport
NK83 Nettie's Place Airport
NK87 Merkle Airport
NK89 Ultralight Flight Farm Ultralightport
NK91 Boyle's Landing Airport
NLWF Pointe Vele Airport
NLWW Хихифо (Wallis Island Airport)
NM01 Rancho Magdalena Airport
NM02 Biplane Ranch Airport
NM03 K-D Field
NM04 Keller Field
NM05 Williams Airport
NM08 Solo Ranch Airport
NM09 First Aero Squadron Airpark
NM10 Tequesquite Ranch Airport
NM13 Burris E Station Airport
NM14 Burris 'E' Ranch Airport
NM15 Clavel Ranch Airport
NM16 Chama Land & Cattle Co. Airport
NM17 Ray Ranch Airport
NM20 Benedict Airpark
NM21 Patterson Ranch Airport
NM24 Eastside Airport
NM25 Lincoln Station Airport
NM26 Luna Landing Airport
NM27 Sanostee Airport
NM28 Beckett Farm Airport
NM29 Rosebud Airport
NM30 Mitchell Farms Airport
NM31 Elk Valley Airstrip
NM32 Bell Ranch Waggoner Airport
NM33 Bell Ranch Headquarters Airport
NM36 Candy Kitchen Ranch Airport
NM37 Adobe Ranch Private Airport
NM38 Double V Ranch Airport
NM39 Davenport Airport
NM40 Gorby Ranch Airport
NM41 Happy Mountain Airport
NM42 Aero Tech Inc Airport
NM44 Bojax Ranch Airport
NM47 2 X 4 Ranch Airport
NM48 Esenada Airport
NM49 J & M Farms Airport
NM51 Chloride Airport
NM52 Camco Ranch Airport
NM53 San Miguel Ranch Airport
NM55 Whitewater Mesa Ranch Airport
NM56 Mystic Bluffs Airport
NM59 Price's Dairy Airport
NM61 New Mexico Soaring Ranch Airport
NM63 Big Sky Airport
NM64 Gray Ranch Airport
NM66 Poco Loco Airport
NM67 La Mesa Park Airport
NM68 Rael Ranch Horse Pasture Airport
NM69 Casas Adobes Airpark
NM70 Rodeo Airport
NM71 Three Rivers Ranch Airport
NM72 Turner Ridgeport Airport
NM73 Akin and Akin Airport
NM74 Cubero Airport
NM75 Doolittle Ranch Airport
NM76 Park Springs Airport
NM78 Hacienda Sur Luna Airport
NM79 Shoestring Ranch Airport
NM80 Quemado Airport
NM83 Industrial Airpark
NM84 G Bar F Ranch Airport
NM86 Playas Air Strip
NM87 Jenkins Airport
NM88 Skywagon Farm Airport
NM89 Manzano-Mountain Air Ranch Airport
NM90 Amigos Del Cielo Airport
NM91 High Lonesome Airport
NM92 Tierra De Dios Airport
NR02 Jordan Field
NR04 Southern Skies Airstrip
NSAS Ofu Village Airport
NSAU Asau Airport
NSFA Фалеоло (Faleolo Airport)
NSFI Апиа (Fagali I Airport)
NSFQ Fitiuta Airport
NSMA Maota Airport
NSTU Паго-Паго (Pago Pago International Airport)
NTAA Папеэте (Tahiti Faa'a Airport)
NTAR Rurutu Airport
NTAT Tubuai Airport
NTAV Raivavae Airport
NTGA Anaa Airport
NTGB Fangatau Airport
NTGC Тикехау (Tikehau Atoll Airport)
NTGD Apataki Airport
NTGE Reao Airport
NTGF Факарава (Fakarava Airport)
NTGH Hikueru Atoll Airport
NTGI Manihi Airport
NTGJ Totegegie Airport
NTGK Каукура (Kaukura Atoll Airport)
NTGM Makemo Airport
NTGN Napuka Island Airport
NTGO Tatakoto Airport
NTGP Puka Puka Airport
NTGQ Pukarua Airport
NTGR Aratika Airport
NTGS Marutea Airport
NTGT Takapoto Airport
NTGU Арутуа (Arutua Airport)
NTGV Mataiva Airport
NTGW Nukutavake Airport
NTGY Tureia Airport
NTHE Ahe Airport
NTKA Кауехи (Kauehi Airport)
NTKF Faaite Airport
NTKH Fakahina Airport
NTKK Aratika Nord Airport
NTKM Takume Airport
NTKO Raroia Airport
NTKR Takaroa Airport
NTKT Katiu Airport
NTMD Nuku Hiva Airport
NTMN Атуона (Hiva Oa Airport)
NTMP Ua Pou Airport
NTMU Ua Huka Airport
NTTB Моту Муте (Motu Mute Airport)
NTTE Tetiaroa Airport
NTTG Ранджироа (Rangiroa Airport)
NTTH Хуахине (Huahine Airport)
NTTM Муреа (Temae Airport)
NTTO Hao Airport
NTTP Maupiti Airport
NTTR Раиатеа (Raiatea Airport)
NTTX Mururoa Atoll Airport
NTUV Vahitahi Airport
NV00 Valley View Airport
NV02 O'Toole Ranch Airport
NV04 Marys River Ranch Airport
NV05 Soldier Meadow Nr 2 Airport
NV06 Soldier Meadow Nr 1 Airport
NV07 Sunnyside/Kirch Wildlife Mgmt Area Airport
NV08 Petan Ranch Airport
NV09 H Bar H Airport
NV11 Yucca Airstrip
NV12 I-L Ranch Airport
NV13 Bailey Ranch Airport
NV14 Juniper Airport
NV16 Lackerman Ranch Airport
NV17 Youngberg Ranch Airport
NV22 Red Rock Ranch Airport
NV23 Air Sailing Gliderport
NV24 Fort Ruby Ranch Airstrip
NV26 Voc Tech Airport
NV27 Circle L Ranch Airport
NV30 Dixie Valley Airport
NV31 Barker Creek Ranch Airstrip
NV33 Farias Wheel Airport
NV35 Hudson Airport
NV36 Imvite Airport
NV41 Sulfur Airport
NV42 Heritage Airport
NV44 Justover Field
NV47 Palomino Airport
NV54 Flying S Ranch Ultralightport
NV55 Pinenut Airport
NV56 Wine Glass Ranch Airport
NV64 Swanson Ranch 3 Airport
NV67 Pilot Creek Ranches Airport
NV68 Pine Grove Airport
NV72 Sweetwater (USMC) Airport
NV74 Calvada Meadows Airport
NV77 Empire Farms Airport
NV83 Hadley Airport
NV96 Rolling Thunder Airport
NV97 Desert Creek Airport
NV98 Caas Airport
NVSA Mota Lava Airport
NVSC Sola Airport
NVSD Острова Торрес (Torres Airstrip)
NVSE Sangafa Airport
NVSF Craig Cove Airport
NVSG Longana Airport
NVSH Sara Airport
NVSI Tavie Airport
NVSL Lamap Airport
NVSM Lamen Bay Airport
NVSN Naone Airport
NVSO Lonorore Airport
NVSP Норсуп (Norsup Airport)
NVSQ Gaua Island Airport
NVSR Redcliffe Airport
NVSS Эспириту-Санто (Santo Pekoa International Airport)
NVST Tongoa Island Airport
NVSU Ulei Airport
NVSV Valesdir Airport
NVSW Walaha Airport
NVSX Southwest Bay Airport
NVSZ North West Santo Airport
NVVA Anelghowhat Airport
NVVB Aniwa Airport
NVVD Dillon's Bay Airport
NVVF Футуна (Futuna Airport)
NVVI Ipota Airport
NVVJ Forari Airport
NVVK Lenakel Airport
NVVQ Quion Hill Airport
NVVV Порт-Вила (Bauerfield Airport)
NVVW Танна (Tanna Airport)
NWWA Tiga Airport
NWWB Bourail - Poe Airport
NWWC Ile Art - Waala Airport
NWWD Kone Airport
NWWE Иль-Де-Пен (Ile Des Pins Airport)
NWWF Voh Airport
NWWH Nesson Airport
NWWK Koumac Airport
NWWL Лифоу (Lifou Airport)
NWWM Маджента (Noumea Magenta Airport)
NWWO Edmond Cane Airport
NWWP Poum Airport
NWWQ Mueo Airport
NWWR Маре (Mare Airport)
NWWS Plaine des Lacs Airport
NWWT Oua Tom Airport
NWWU Touho Airport
NWWV Увеа (Ouvea Airport)
NWWW Тонтоута (Tontouta Airport)
NWWX Canala Airport
NWWY Ouaco Airport
NX01 Cole Landing Zone Airport
NY00 Basher Field
NY01 Knowlesville Airport
NY02 Mountain Top Airport
NY03 Skytop Airport
NY04 East Arcade Airport
NY05 Hogan Airport
NY06 Gaines Valley Aviation Airport
NY07 Hurlbut Field
NY09 Middle Hope Airport
NY10 Duflo Airport
NY11 Lakestone Farm Airport
NY13 D'Amico Airport
NY15 Lakeville Airport
NY16 Oak Ridge Airport
NY17 Adirondack Airpark Estates Airport
NY18 Neno International Airport
NY19 Walls Airport
NY20 Nellis Field
NY23 Mohawk Aviation Center Airport
NY24 Taylor Johnson Airport
NY25 F&F Airpark Airport
NY26 Sky-Ranch Airport
NY27 South Dayton Airport
NY28 Anthonson Airport
NY29 Schuyler Airport
NY31 Rabbit Lane Airport
NY32 Fort Hill Airport
NY33 Westerlo Airport
NY34 Randall's Roost Airport
NY35 Stanton Airport
NY37 Galway Airport
NY38 Mc Bride's Airport
NY40 Gentzke Aeronautical Park Airport
NY42 Paradise Airport
NY48 Grace's Landing Airport
NY49 Mesmer Airport
NY50 Johnson Airport
NY51 Russell Airport
NY53 Tri County Airways Airport
NY55 Grund Field
NY57 Remsen City Airport
NY58 Snow Field
NY59 Valenty Mierek Airport
NY60 Vasile Field
NY62 Curtis Airport
NY63 Archdale Meadows Airport
NY64 The Pines Airport
NY65 Circle K Ranch Airport
NY66 Lewis Field
NY67 Carter Flight Park Ultralightport
NY68 Richfield Airport
NY69 John Gonzales Field
NY70 Scott'S Sky Ranch Airport
NY71 O'Riley Airport
NY72 Poolsbrook Aerodrome
NY73 Miller Field
NY74 Deer Run Airport
NY76 Neverland Airport
NY77 Wandervogel Gliderport
NY78 Downsville Airport
NY79 Keysa Airport
NY81 Heldeberg Airstrip
NY82 Alexander Farm Airport
NY84 Richter Aero Airport
NY85 Hickory Hollow Airport
NY86 Waxwing Airport
NY87 Amsterdam Airfield
NY88 Hickory Acres Airport
NY89 Fairbank Farms Airport
NY91 Cloverdale Farm Airport
NY92 Owasco Airport
NY94 Old Rhinebeck Airport
NY96 Mexico Airdrome Airport
NY97 Northway Airport
NZ12 Palmer Station Airport
NZAA Окленд (Auckland Airport)
NZAE Mount Tarawera Airport
NZAG Matarangi Airport
NZAN Alfredton Airport
NZAP Таупо (Taupo Airport)
NZAR Ardmore Airport
NZAS Ashburton Aerodrome
NZBA Balclutha Aerodrome
NZCB Centre Bush Aerodrome
NZCH Крайстчерч (Christchurch International Airport)
NZCI Chatham Islands-Tuuta Airport
NZCS Cromwell Racecourse Aerodrome
NZCX Coromandel Aerodrome
NZDA Dargaville Aerodrome
NZDN Данидин (Dunedin International Airport)
NZDV Dannevirke Aerodrome
NZES Wharepapa South Airport
NZFF Forest Field Aerodrome
NZFI Feilding Airport
NZFJ Franz Josef Aerodrome
NZFP Foxpine Aerodrome
NZFT Flat Point Aerodrome
NZGA Galatea Airfield
NZGB Great Barrier Aerodrome
NZGC Gore3 Airport
NZGM Greymouth Airport
NZGR Great Mercury Airport
NZGS Гисборн (Gisborne Airport)
NZGT Glentanner Airport
NZGY Glenorchy Airport
NZHA Hawera Airport
NZHB Auckland Hobsonville Airport
NZHK Хокитика (Hokitika Airport)
NZHN Гамильтон (Hamilton International Airport)
NZHP Lake Haupiri/Gloriavale Christian Community Airport
NZHR Hanmer Springs Airport
NZHS Hastings Airport
NZHT Haast Aerodrome
NZIR McMurdo Station Ice Runway
NZKC Kelly Field
NZKD Motu Kaikoura Island Aerodrome
NZKE Waiheke Reeve Airport
NZKF Kaipara Flats Airport
NZKI Kaikoura Airport
NZKK Керайкри (Kerikeri Airport)
NZKM Karamea Airport
NZKO Kaikohe Airport
NZKT Kaitaia Airport
NZKY Kowhai Aerodrome
NZLD Limestone Downs Airport
NZLE Lake Station Airport
NZLX Alexandra Airport
NZMA Matamata Glider Airport
NZMC Mount Cook Airport
NZME Mercer1 PDZ Airport
NZMF Milford Sound Airport
NZMJ Martins Bay Aerodrome
NZMK Motueka Airport
NZML Molesworth Airport
NZMO Manapouri Airport
NZMR Murchison Airport
NZMS Hood Airport
NZMT Martinborough Airport
NZMW Makarora Airstrip
NZMZ Matakana Island Airport
NZNE North Shore Aerodrome
NZNP Нью-Плимут (New Plymouth Airport)
NZNR Хокс-Бей (Hawkes Bay Airport)
NZNS Нельсон (Nelson Airport)
NZNV Инверкаргилл (Invercargill Airport)
NZOA Omarama Glider Airport
NZOH RNZAF Base Ohakea
NZOI Motiti Island Airport
NZOM Omaka Blenheim Airport
NZOP Opotiki Airport
NZOU Oamaru Airport
NZOX Okiwi Station Airport
NZPA Paihia Private Airport
NZPG McMurdo Station Pegasus Field
NZPH Pudding Hill Aerodrome
NZPI Parakai Aerodrome
NZPK Pikes Point Airport
NZPM Палмерстон-Норт (Palmerston North Airport)
NZPN Коромико (Picton Aerodrome)
NZPO Porangahau Aerodrome
NZPP Парапарауму (Paraparaumu Airport)
NZQN Квинстаун (Queenstown Airport)
NZRA Raglan Airfield
NZRC Ryans Creek Aerodrome
NZRI Rangitata Island Airport
NZRK Rangitaiki Airfield
NZRO Роторуа (Rotorua International Airport)
NZRT Rangiora Airfield
NZRU Waiouru Airport
NZRW Ruawai Aerodrome
NZRX Roxburgh Aerodrome
NZSD Stratford Airport
NZSL Springhill Airport
NZSP South Pole Station Airport
NZTA Te Aroha Airfield
NZTE Te Kowhai Airfield
NZTG Тауранга (Tauranga City Airport)
NZTH Thames Aerodrome
NZTI Taieri Airport
NZTK Takaka Airport
NZTL Tekapo Aerodrome
NZTM Taumarunui Airport
NZTN Turangi Airport
NZTO Tokoroa Airfield
NZTS Taharoa Aerodrome
NZTT Te Kuiti Airfield
NZTU Тимару (Timaru Airport)
NZTZ Te Anau Airport
NZUK Pukaki Airport
NZUN Pauanui Beach Glider Airport
NZVL Mandeville Aerodrome
NZVR Taihape Airport
NZWB Вудборн (Woodbourne Airport)
NZWD Williams Field
NZWF Wanaka Airport
NZWJ Wellsford Airport
NZWK Факатане (Whakatane Airport)
NZWL West Melton Aerodrome
NZWM Waimate Airport
NZWN Веллингтон (Wellington International Airport)
NZWO Wairoa Airport
NZWP RNZAF Base Auckland-Whenuapai
NZWR Фангареи (Whangarei Airport)
NZWS Уэстпорт (Westport Airport)
NZWT Whitianga Airport
NZWU Уонгануи (Wanganui Airport)
NZWV Waihi Beach Airport
NZYP Waipukurau Airport
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